How-To & Tutorials
How to target a CSS element
Last Updated: 04/03/2023RTILA’s selector panel allows data collection, manipulation, and storage. The first choice that you need to configure is the dataset type. Usually are 2 different sets, depending on the website’s level of structure. In this case, I switched to Type: Detail, as I need to grab data from a detail page, and my information does...
Change default Browser
Last Updated: 08/03/2023RTILA has a setting that allows you to change or specify the browser that you want to use for running your automations. This option is available in the RTILA Studio top right corner, click on settings and then select the Browser executable file from your drive. For Windows we select by default and we suggest...
Export Results to a CSV file
Last Updated: 11/03/2023Introduction Once an Automation Run has finished, the results and data gathered by your automation will be made available for you inside the Results Panel. The results can be exported into a CSV file which you can save locally. Got to Results Panel & click PREVIEW & EXPORT From the Results Panel, make sure that...
Profile Session Feature
Last Updated: 17/03/2023Definition The Profile Session is a feature that allows you to login into your target websites from our Profile Session browser to create a connection/session which can then be used by RTILA Studio and the Run Automation, thus removing the requirement for you to login to that website. We are constantly adding support for new...
OCR Feature: read text from images
Last Updated: 24/03/2023Use case In some instances the data you want to extract or scrape is displayed as an image. Certain classifieds websites for instance would display the phone number as an image instead of plain text. For these cases you can use RTILA OCR feature which is available in the Prospection Panel within the Property settings....
Auto Download Pinterest Images
Last Updated: 24/03/2023Use Case This Template is a demo and a learning example on how to download a list of images from any image website such as Pinterest. In our example we are going to scroll down then download all images of this Pinterest collection page: Set Property & Enable Image Download Create a DataSet then...
Save current URL using JavaScript
Last Updated: 24/03/2023Use case As you are crawling a more and more pages you may need to capture the URL that is currently associated with the data you are scraping or interacting with, so that you can later go back to that URL to take further actions. RTILA Studio is able to grab and save the current...
Search & Filter Projects
Last Updated: 24/03/2023Use Case As you develop more and more Automation projects it may become difficult to visually find back your projects. For that we have a toggle menu which will open searching and filtering options for you. Toggle the search & filter options Simply click on the toggle then choose your filtering options and the list...
Working with Arrays and Objects in RTILA
Last Updated: 17/05/2024This guide explores how to manage arrays and objects within your RTILA automation. You’ll learn how to leverage Dynamic Variable (JavaScript code) command to manipulate data structures similar to how you would in JavaScript. We’ll use the JSONPlaceholder API to retrieve sample data. This API provides a convenient way to access demo user information. You...
Auto Comment On WordPress Posts
Last Updated: 14/10/2023Use Case This Template is one of many RTILA templates created to automate tasks that may require some time but with the help of RTILA, you can now automate comments on any post on WordPress. All you are required to do is just have the post’s URL and the comments you need to share on...
Run Automations in Silent Mode
Last Updated: 22/09/2023Use case In some instances you may want to run some automations without opening a browser or multiple tabs, and have it run in the background without disturbing your desktop environment. RTILA Studio has a project setting that allows you to run automations in the background and in a silent mode, whereby it will not...
License Check for Standalone Executables
Last Updated: 05/09/2023Use Case For RTILA users who are building and compiling their own Standalone Automation Software and want to sell them and control access to these automation, we have prepared a first version of a License Check Child Project. This Child Project can be inserted at the top of any of your Standalone Automation project and...
Trigger Standalone Bots via Command lines
Last Updated: 14/12/2023Download RTILA Bot Launcher RTILA Studio is the software to design and test-run your automations and then compile them into Standalone executable software. And we have recently release an additional piece of software to ease the way to run and execute Standalone, it is called the Bot Launcher and it can be downloaded from here:...
How To Find Custom Collections For List type Datasets
Last Updated: 13/11/2023What are custom collections In RTILA? Custom collections in RTILA refer to a feature that allows users to organize and manage the data they extract from websites in a structured and personalized manner. RTILA is used to automate the process of gathering information from websites, and custom collections enhance the efficiency and usability of this...
Correcting & Completing Auto-Recorder Commands
Last Updated: 25/05/2023What is the Auto-Recorder? The “Auto Recorder” feature in the RTILA automation tool is a functionality that allows users to easily record and generate automation commands based on their interactions with a web application or website. It simplifies the process of creating automation scripts by capturing the user’s actions and translating them into executable commands....
RTILA WordPress Plugin installation & configuration
Last Updated: 19/05/2023Installation Configuration Once you have successfully activated the plugin, go to the admin menu labeled “Settings” and select “RTILA Settings“ Here is RTILA Settings Page
Using Developer Tools In RTILA Studio
Last Updated: 16/05/2023Use Case Using developer tools allows you to inspect the webpage elements within the RTILA browser panel. This could be so helpful when you need to catch a CSS selector manually from the webpage HTML source. Sometimes it could be better to inspect the elements manually to get a precise CSS selector or even a...
Create A Project From Scratch
Last Updated: 21/05/2023In this documentation , we will be creating a project in RTILA Studio from scratch and showing the basic configurations of RTILA projects Create a New Project to create a new project in RTILA , all you have to do is to head to the “Home” tab and set : Get Familiar With The Project...
Bring back disappearing commands & properties
Last Updated: 05/05/2023Use case and solution: Depending on the web page and your operating system as well as internet speed, it may happen that your commands and properties do not appear properly when you open the RTILA Studio Inspection panels. As we are working on a permanent fix you can for the moment refresh the loading of...
Export & share an RTILA project file
Last Updated: 22/04/2023Use Case As you are developing your automations you may need to share your automation project with third parties to get assistance or to deliver it as an automation template to a client/user. For that case you can export your automation project into a .rtila file, and share it with the concerned parties. Export the...
Install Browser Extensions using Profile Session
Last Updated: 15/04/2023Use Case In some instances you may need to install some useful browser extensions that can help your automation flow. RTILA Studio has the possibility to install such extensions using the Profile Session browser. This allows you to install and have different browser extensions for different Profile Session. Launch Profile Session Browser Go to Profiles...
How To Fill a Form Using Generic Form Filler Child-Project
Last Updated: 17/04/2023Use Case Using a Generic form filler from a child project is the idea of using a preconfigured form filler that takes common CSS input field selectors. These form fillers are meant to work with most site forms that have similar input field attributes or tags, so the approach is to use CSS locators that...
Project Settings: Import URLs manual entry, From File, From Project, and Read XML Sitemap
Last Updated: 13/04/2023Use Case Importing URLs from project settings is a useful tool for automation in RTILA, particularly those that involve working with multiple pages or websites. By importing URLs, the automation script can navigate to a specific web page and perform the required actions without the need for manual intervention or going to each URL in...
Project Settings: Import URLs manual entry
Last Updated: 13/04/2023Use Case Importing URLs manually is a useful tool for automation in RTILA, particularly those that involve working with multiple pages or websites. By manually importing URLs, the automation script can navigate to a specific web page and perform the required actions without the need for manual intervention or going to each URL in the...
Use Local Storage Variable to scrape Do-follow Links
Last Updated: 10/04/2023Use Case When studying the competition or even doing an analysis of your own website, you may want to find out all the links of a given page that are using do-follow. Because the do-follow element cannot be captured using a CSS locator, we need to use a JavaScript that would capture all the do-follow...
Schedule Launch of Automations
Last Updated: 02/04/2023Use Case More often than not you may need to run an automation at a regular interval, to get new prices or catch new data that appears in your target data source. For that you can use our Scheduler function which is based on the same principle as CRON jobs. Go to Scheduler Feature in...
Email Results File via Gmail
Last Updated: 01/04/2023Use Case Especially for long automation you may want to have an email sent once the automation if finished and you may also want to receive or send the results file to a specific email address, be it yours or your client address. For this use case you can use our SMTP/Email feature that is...
Read from Google Sheets & Post on WordPress
Last Updated: 10/04/2023Use Case This Template is a demo and a learning example of how to read data from google sheets and post the data on WordPress. In this example, we will be showing you how to publish google Sheets to the web and then read the sheet data from the page URL you got from publishing...
Website Load Testing Automation
Last Updated: 25/03/2023Use case For those who are interesting in testing the load capacity of their website and or web hosting infrastructure without breaking the bank, we have developed a Public Template and documentation on how to automate and test the TTFB (Time To First Byte) and the Fully Loaded Time (FLT) in milliseconds for a website...
Read data from a txt or csv file
Last Updated: 09/03/2023Use cases RTILA is able to read data from a local file on your computer, and use it as a feed or guiding information for your automation project. Say for instance you have a list of article ideas with a title and short description, and you want to either create more content and or post...
Downloading files
Last Updated: 31/01/2024Use Case One of the key functionalities of RTILA automation software is the ability to download files seamlessly. With the file download feature, you would be able to download files in the dataset property section where you would have the ability to check some attributes regarding the downloaded files. These attributes will be shown in...
Open in a New tab
Last Updated: 06/03/2023Sometimes it’s easier to navigate by opening the links in a new tab. The automation is quite simple: Add on the first level a Click on element event, and choose the list of elements to click on. Inside, add some wait time to allow the data to load in the new tab (see Target dropdown)....
Using filters to complete a URL
Last Updated: 21/11/2023For this tutorial, create a new project with the URL: Create a NEW dataset (type: list). Create a NEW selector and fill the form with the selector name and property name. Create another selector (+) and configure it as follows: We go to prepend the full URL path for those relative URLs. To do...
Choosing the right collection
Last Updated: 06/03/2023RTILA considers 2 types of datasets. We go to focus on the LIST type. They appear as collections, like lists, tables, and grids that from time to time are paginated (numbered, load more, arrows, or similar methods). If we consider an e-commerce, the LIST dataset would be the category. In the image, you can detect...
Set a Counter with JavaScript
Last Updated: 04/03/2023Use cases for a Counter The Counter is a JavaScript based Child template that you can import into an existing project and will give you the possibility of initializing and using a Counter variable. This can help you count the number of cycles you have in an automation, or other use cases where an incremental...
Setup reCAPTCHA Resolution
Last Updated: 22/10/2023What is a re-CAPTCHA challenge ? A reCAPTCHA challenge is a digital test often found on websites and apps to confirm that a user is a real human, not a computer program. This test typically involves tasks like selecting images with specific characteristics or typing distorted words and is designed to be easily solved by...
Woo Categories & ChatGPT API
Last Updated: 02/04/2023Quick Demo Video Today ChatGPT have launched their API and we have immediately built a first Automation Template on how to use the Power of ChatGPT to enhance the SEO potential of your WooCommerce website in a fully automated way. The Automation Template is already available for free to our users to experiment with and...
Login to Google Account & share profile session
Last Updated: 15/04/2023Google is continuously changing their security and authentication process, this tutorial may become obsolete quickly but the principles remain similar and you can submit a ticket for our team to guide you. The technique we are using in this case it to create a project to login and initiate a session within our Automation Panel....
Google Search Baby Steps
Last Updated: 22/02/2023This is a simple tutorial to demonstrate and explain how you can automate a google search for a single keyword or for a series of keywords. Watch the video tutorial below
Auto-Recorder as a 1st step
Last Updated: 17/02/2023Expectation calibration The Auto Recorder is a great feature as it can be a fun and time-saving opportunity for your automations. But is not the ultimate tool that works 100% of every single website. The web is an intricate network of diversity in programming languages, coding styles and security features. So what may look easy...
Standalone Executable Bots
Last Updated: 12/08/2024Introduction One of the most valuable and powerful feature of RTILA Studio is the ability for you to compile your automations into your own standalone software. Compiled software is an independent software that can run outside of RTILA Studio to launch the concerned automation flows. Compiling a Standalone Bot RTILA Studio is the software to...