This template was created within 15 minutes by modifying the TripAdvisor UK existing template. Here are the 3 changes that we had to do for this to work:
1. Copied and pasted the URL of a single listing into RTILA Studio browser because the page opens in a new window and goes out of the studio, this is a structural limit we have due to browser rules. So we need to manually load the page so we can work on its properties. See the screenshot (below);

We then looked for and found the CSS locators on a regular chrome browser using Ranorex Selocity chrome extension which we have covered its use/benefits in this video tutorial here: RTILA – Tutorial – CSS & xPATH Locators
2. Changed the condition of the Crawler to look for URLs that contain /rooms/ which is the common URI of all listings. See the screenshot (below);

3. Replaced the Click Next Page command locator with this one: li:nth-of-type(9):not(.disabled) > a
As the Next page element is different for this website and we will explain soon in a full CSS Locator course how to figure this out even as non-developer. See the screenshot (below);
As the Next page element is different for this website and we will explain soon in a full CSS Locator course how to figure this out even as non-developer. See the screenshot (below);