This templates scrapes the information of all the business that appear for a search of a given keyword in a given area on Google Maps.
Watch our Podcast video with Douglas where we are discussing and going through our Google Maps My Business scrapping automation template and we cover few ways to use the data to find demand/need or a business opportunity to sell something to businesses in a specific geographic area.
IMPORTANT: For this template to work you need to download then import our Google Sheets Custom Command here
This templates scrapes the information of all the business that appear for a search of a given keyword in a given area on Google Maps.
Watch our Podcast video with Douglas where we are discussing and going through our Google Maps My Business scrapping automation template and we cover few ways to use the data to find demand/need or a business opportunity to sell something to businesses in a specific geographic area.
IMPORTANT: For this template to work you need to download then import our Google Sheets Custom Command here
This template scrapes the following data properties:
This template uses the following commands & functions:
Watch Video Demo :