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Official Commands

58 articles

List Command

Last Updated: 15/12/2024

Use case The List command in RTILA is one of the most powerful and versatile tools available for handling both small and large datasets in your automation processes. It allows you to store, display, retrieve, and loop through data from various sources, making it essential for building dynamic and data-driven workflows. Key Features of the...

Incogniton Anti-detect browser

Last Updated: 03/06/2024

Incogniton use case in RTILA Incogniton, a privacy-focused browser, has partnered with RTILA, to enhance the user experience by facilitating the secure and automated management of user profile sessions. This partnership aims to allow users to store their login information securely and enable automatic logins across various online services, including email platforms like Gmail, social...

Save results to file command

Last Updated: 10/10/2023

Use case Sometimes you may need to access the results of a first part of your flow within the same project and therefore avoid creating a second project. This is where the Save results to file comes in handy. Add & configure the command As seen in the screenshots below, you can search/find/add the Save...

RTILA Cloud API Documentation

Last Updated: 23/09/2023

The RTILA Cloud API allows you to upload then run projects on our secure clouds and retrieve their extracted results. This API enables seamless integration of RTILA’s automation capabilities into your own applications or other applications via API integrations. Important Note: For Zapier: Our App is publicly available see here: Pabbly: Click on this...

FTP / SFTP Command

Last Updated: 22/09/2023

Use Case the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) commands commonly used in web automation tools. FTP and SFTP are both protocols used to transfer files between a local machine and a remote server. However, SFTP provides a more secure and encrypted connection compared to plain text FTP. RTILA supports both...

Custom Commands

Last Updated: 12/12/2023

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new feature coming to RTILA: Custom Commands! Designed to provide unparalleled flexibility and enhance the user experience for our pro users. Take full control of RTILA and personalize it to suit your unique needs. Develop, import and use your own commands ! How to install a Custom Command...


Last Updated: 25/05/2023

Use Case More often than not, your automation project will need to integrate and communicate with external systems to achieve your objectives. RTILA has developed multiple ways for you to integrate with your favorite Apps and websites:1: Native Integrations: These are integrations that are to be enabled and configured from the Project settings panel. For...

RPA & Desktop OS Commands

Last Updated: 25/05/2023

Use Case Using desktop OS commands allows you to run the Desktop operating system command in RTILA automation. Although RTILA is a web automation tool , the ” Execute a command ” command lets you launch any command (for Windows, Mac and Linux) to open a software or do anything else. How To Use Desktop...

Add And Configure Dataset Properties

Last Updated: 23/05/2023

What is a dataset property? The dataset property provides a convenient method for retrieving data from a specific webpage element using its CSS selector. By locating the desired element, you can extract the data and customize it according to your requirements. This can be done through various techniques such as applying regular expressions to extract...

Inspection Panel Interface & Elements

Last Updated: 21/05/2023

Inspection Panel The inspection panel allows you to edit, add, delete, manipulate, and inspect the data you want to extract from your project. This panel is all about extracting the data you need from any webpage and manipulating this data to be represented in the way that is most useful to your automation project. The...

Config & binaries files for Standalone

Last Updated: 22/04/2023

Background RTILA Studio allows you to compile your automation projects into Standalone Executable Software, also called Standalone Bots.If you own a License that has reseller rights your compiled Standalone Software will be able to run on any computer (Windows, Mac and Linux) even if your client/user does not have RTILA Studio installed. In that sense...

Focus On Element Command

Last Updated: 29/09/2024

Definition The “focus” command in RTILA automation tools is used to direct the user’s attention to a specific HTML element on a web page. When a user interacts with a web page, the browser keeps track of which element has the “focus”, which typically means that it’s the element that will receive user input (e.g....

Go To Url Command

Last Updated: 29/09/2024

Definition “The ‘Go to URL’ command is a feature that lets users navigate directly to a specific webpage by specifying its URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in the designated command field. This action initiates the browser to load the given webpage, allowing automation processes to begin or continue on that specific site.” Add & Configure Go...

Scroll Element Command

Last Updated: 29/09/2024

Definition The “scroll element” command is a feature available in the RTILA web automation tool. It is used to scroll a specific element within a webpage, either to bring it into view or to scroll its contents programmatically. This can be useful for interacting with elements that might not be visible initially, or for testing...

Execute JavaScript Code command

Last Updated: 29/09/2024

Definition “The ‘Execute JavaScript Code’ command in RTILA allows users to run custom JavaScript directly within the automation workflow. This command is particularly useful for creating advanced functionalities or performing actions that are not supported by the existing RTILA commands, thereby providing significant flexibility to extend RTILA’s capabilities. Using this feature effectively requires some familiarity...

Reload Page Command

Last Updated: 29/09/2024

Definition The “reload page” command is a feature in Rtila Automation that allows you to refresh the currently displayed webpage. When you reload a page, the browser sends a new request to the server hosting the webpage, which responds by sending a fresh copy of the page back to the browser. Add & configure the...

Compare Variables Condition

Last Updated: 29/09/2024

Use Case The “Compare Variables” condition is a very powerful feature in RTILA , it lets you create a condition case with the RTILA variables , and preform many commands based on whether the conditions is met or not. With the use of this feature you can compare between two variables and check if the...

Take Screenshot Command

Last Updated: 02/10/2024

Definition This command will allow you to take a full and complete screenshot a given website, including the content that has to be scrolled to be seen. You need to first make sure that your automation flow navigates to the URL/Website and gives it enough time to fully load. And you can then call/use this...

Smart Variable (ChatGPT API)

Last Updated: 08/03/2023

Use Case We have created a new Variable type that can allow you to send your prompts to ChatGPT API and get the answer back for use in your automation flow or simply for saving it as a property in you results section. This is very useful for your data enrichment and or content generation...

Child Projects

Last Updated: 02/10/2024

Definition A Child Project is a sort of mini automation project which only loads the commands and properties that have been saved within it. This allows you to save time by creating multiple Child Projects that would contain your most used sequences of commands and or set of properties. For instance you can have a...

Confirm (Dialog Box) Command

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Definition The “confirm dialog box” command is a feature in the RTILA web automation tool and is used to interact with pop-up dialog boxes that prompt the user to confirm or cancel a specific action. These dialog boxes are typically used to confirm actions or commands that could have significant consequences, such as deleting a...

Populate Text Field Command

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Definition The “populate text field” command typically refers to a process or action in which Rtila software helps you fill in a text input field on a user interface or input forms, such as a form user login, with predefined or dynamically generated text. This can be done for various purposes, including form automation. Add...

Hover Mouse On Element Command

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Definition The “Hover Mouse On Element” command refers to an action in Rtila Automation where the cursor is moved over an element on a webpage, such as a button or a link, without clicking it. This action triggers a visual response from the webpage, which might change the element’s appearance, display a tooltip or a...

Download Page Command

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Definition The download page command is a functionality available in the RTILA web automation tool that allows you to download the contents of a webpage. This command enables you to save a copy of a webpage, including its HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, onto your local computer. It’s important to note that some websites may...

Stop Automation Command

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Definition The “stop automation” command in RTILA web automation tool is used to immediately stop the execution of a running automation script. This command is useful in situations where you need to quickly interrupt the script’s execution due to an error or unexpected behavior. It is important to note that the “stop automation” command should...

Log Message Command

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Definition In RTILA web automation, a log message refers to a message that is written to a log file to record a specific event or action that occurred during the automation process. These messages are usually generated by RTILA automation. The log message command is used to create or write a custom message that will...

Input (prompt box) Variable

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Use Case When developing an Automation that uses user input, you can use the Input variable. This variable opens a prompt box on the browser side and requests the user to enter certain information before continuing the automation flow. Add & Configure the Input Variable In the Variable group, look for Input (prompt box) and...

Extract Results Command

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Definition The “extract result” command refers to the process of selecting and retrieving specific pieces of data from a web page that has been scraped. RTILA extract results allow you to save whatever results you collected from the automation using the dataset and properties in the inspection section. You can find the results which you...

Wait for Element to Appear Command

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Definition The “wait for element to appear” command is a commonly used command in RTILA automation that instructs the automation tool to wait for a specific HTML element to be present on the web page before proceeding with the next step of the automation process. This is particularly useful in cases where the element may...

Selector (DOM element)

Last Updated: 08/10/2024

Definition A selector DOM (Document Object Model) element is used to locate and interact with specific web elements on a webpage. RTILA selector DOM element in web automation is a string of code that identifies a specific web element based on its attributes, such as its HTML tag, class, ID, or text content. It can...

Check Radio Input Command

Last Updated: 09/10/2024

Definition “Check Radio Input” is a command used in RTILA to check the state or status of a radio button element in a user interface. A radio input element is a form element that allows users to select only one option from a set of mutually exclusive options. When the user selects an option, the...

Dynamic Variable (JavaScript Code)

Last Updated: 14/01/2025

Definition Dynamic variables are variables whose values can be changed at runtime, meaning their values can be updated during the execution of the program. In other words, the value of a dynamic variable is not fixed or predetermined at the time of declaration and you can use it to capture, modify and pass data between...

Static Variables

Last Updated: 09/10/2024

Definition A static variable is a variable that is allocated a fixed amount of memory space and retains its value across function calls. The static variable has a static value that stays the same and can be called in RTILA software to get the static value it contains. Add & configure Static Variables Add To...

Set Checkbox State Command

Last Updated: 09/10/2024

Definition “Set checkbox state” is a command used in RTILA to change the state or status of a checkbox element in a user interface. A checkbox is a graphical user interface element that allows users to select one or more options from a list of options. The state of a checkbox can be either “checked”...

Set Dropdown Value Command

Last Updated: 09/10/2024

Definition The “Set Dropdown Value” command refers to automatically changing the selected value of a dropdown menu in a web pages . Dropdown menus are UI elements that allow users to choose one option from a list of available options. Add Set Dropdown Value Command To use the ” Set Dropdown Value ” you can...

Press a Keyboard Key Command

Last Updated: 09/10/2024

Definition The “press a keyboard key” feature refers to the mimic of the physical act of pressing a button on a computer keyboard in order to input a specific character or command. This command allows the user to automatically press a keyboard key without the need to physically do it. Add & configure Press a...

Upload File Command

Last Updated: 09/10/2024

Definition The “upload file” command typically refers to a function in RTILA software that allows the user to transfer or upload a file from their local device to a remote server or system automatically. This command allows you to upload photos of an automated post or file to the server and many other possibilities based...

Double Click On An Element Event

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition The ” Double click on an element” event is an interaction that occurs when a user clicks on a clickable element in a user interface, such as a button or a hyperlink. When the user adds the “Double clicks on an element ” event , Rtila software creates an automated Double click , and...

Click On An Element Event

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition The “click on an element” event is an interaction that occurs when a user clicks on a clickable element in a user interface, such as a button or a hyperlink. When the user adds the “clicks on an element ” event , Rtila software creates an automated click , and a “click” event is...

Switch Browser Identity Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition The “Switch Browser Identity” feature refers to the ability to change the identity or persona of your web browser when browsing the internet. This can be done using the Rtila software By changing your browser identity, you can hide or modify this information, which can help protect your privacy and prevent websites from tracking...

Slack Notification Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition “Slack notification command” is a feature that allow you to send automated notifications to a specific channel or person in Slack using Rtila automation through the webhook URL of your slack application or channel . Add & configure Slack notification Command You can use the “Slack notification” command by adding it from the action...

Save as Pdf Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition Save as Pdf Command is a feature in Rtila that allows you to save webpages as a pdf file capturing all page content and saving it in a pdf file allowing you to view it offline and read it just like a pdf file, this command can be useful in many automation cases such...

Go Back To Previous Page Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition The “go back to previous page” command is a function that allows you to return to the webpage that you were previously viewing. It is typically found in web browsers and is used when you want to revisit a webpage that you were looking at earlier. Add & configure Go Back To Previous Page...

Go Forward To Next Page Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition The “go forward to next page” command is a feature found in Rtila software that displays content over multiple pages. When you are on a page that is part of a series of pages, you can use the “go forward to next page” command to navigate to the next page in the series. Add...

Proxies Built-In Rotation

Last Updated: 06/03/2023

In RTILA you can use your private/public proxies. For this project, we will request: This site returns a JSON with our IP. The project will be set as this, a single CSS selector to grab the IP: For the automation part, we will create some actions to rotate the proxies and reload the page....

External Proxy Rotation API

Last Updated: 06/03/2023

Using an external API for proxies is quite easy. Set a quick project, targeting a site that can return your IP. In this example, I set the URL: And I’ll grab returning IP to check if it’s changing on each request. From project settings, enter the target URL several times: Add your API key...

Regular Expressions

Last Updated: 06/03/2023

RTILA allows to use FILTERS to add regular expressions. In this example, we use the DOM from: The rating comes from a paragraph class, and it’s labeled with words from “One” to “Five”. It’s convenient to target the .star-rating class, and extract the rating word with a Regular Expression. In RTILA, create a selector...

Mock Location Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition Mock location command is a feature in Rtila that allows you to test location-based applications or websites by simulating a location different from the device’s actual location. This is done by sending false location data to the browsers that override the device’s GPS signal and set a new location for the device. Add Mock...

Close Page Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition The “Close Page Command ” is used to close a current page in which the automation is working on. When you add “Close Page ” Command you close or shut down a currently open webpage in a web browser of your automation. Add & Configure Close Page Command To close the current page you...

Desktop Notification Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition Desktop notification is a pop-up message that appears on a user’s computer screen. Desktop notifications can be customized by the user to display information such as the notification title or the subject of the message. Add & Configure Desktop Notification Command To use ” Desktop Notification Command ” you can add it by searching...

Command Folder

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition Command folder is for organization purposes to reduce overcrowding the panel with too many commands, you can organize them in Folders and then click the eye icon to collapse that folder and release space, click again on the eye and it expands its content. That is what you can show. It does not have...

Clear Cookie Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition When you use the internet, websites store small files called cookies on your computer or device. Cookies are used to remember your preferences, login information, and other browsing data. Clearing cookies means deleting these files from your browser’s storage. Overall, clearing cookies can help protect your privacy and prevent websites from tracking your online...

Change Page Size Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Definition Change Page size command is used to set the the height and width of the current page in the browser. It can be really useful in case of making the page details more reachable . Add & Configure Change Page Size Command Search for ” Change Page Size ” and click add to add...

Break Loop Command

Last Updated: 26/09/2024

Definition The brek loop command in RTILA Web Automation is used to terminate the current loop when a specified condition is met. This command is useful when you want to exit a loop prematurely without completing all iterations. It helps optimize your automation flow by avoiding unnecessary iterations and actions once the desired condition has...

DataSet Types

Last Updated: 23/02/2023

Selecting the right DataSet Type DataSets are the main data containers that group individual data properties which are saving the data of every target CSS element. When RTILA is scrapping a given page it needs to know how the target data is presented. And there are 2 types of pages or types of data structures...

Link Crawler Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

Types of Crawlers & Use Cases RTILA Studio has 3 types of Crawler commands with slight differences but they overall work the same way. The differentiation is about the location of the links/pages that are to be crawled, whether they are “Internal”, “External” pages to the website we are on, or a mix of both....

Alert Message Command

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

The Alert Message command is a simple but very useful option. It allows you to display a message in a modal window before executing the next commands. This allows you to display a warning message to the final user of the automation, or it can also allow you to test your variables or conditional logic...

Wait Commands

Last Updated: 01/11/2024

RTILA Studio offers 2 types of wait command to allow you a granular control of waiting times in your automation. Both wait time use seconds as time unit. Wait Navigation Wait Navigation command waits for a navigation event to occur. It is very useful as it allows your automation to deal with slow loading pages...

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