This command allows you to specify a file path and RTILA will go get the file content and serve it as the output value of this command. At the moment this command supports only .csv and .txt formats but we will be adding more file formats as we go.
This command allows you to specify a file path and RTILA will go get the file content and serve it as the output value of this command. At the moment this command supports only .csv and .txt formats but we will be adding more file formats as we go.
How to configure and use this Custom Command :

1) Choose file or paste file path.
Following steps are optional
2) Character(s) you need to replace in the returned content
3) Character to replace with
4) Separator, for instance if you wish to find and replace many characters in field 2
Following steps are optional
2) Character(s) you need to replace in the returned content
3) Character to replace with
4) Separator, for instance if you wish to find and replace many characters in field 2
then the separator is ;
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