Our Standalone Executable file may give a warning when scanned by https://www.virustotal.com or other Antivirus aggregator scanning tools. This is a known case of False Positive. This happens when such a tool includes or uses the abandoned Zillya Antivirus software, see screenshot of the alert. The virus alert reads something like: Trojan.Agent.Win32.2853154 Acronis (Static ML)

There is nothing to worry about and you can explain to your Standalone clients or users that this is a false alert for the following reasons:
1- Among the 67 Antivirus tools used by VirusTotal.com only Zillya is giving this alert
2- Zillya website itself has a broken SSL certificate and seems to be abandoned
3- Zillya website is still using Flash which was discontinued back in 2021 after a first announcement made in 2017 by Adobe